Our Mission:
To provide safe, reliable, timely, and cost-effective transportation for the students of the Antelope Valley.
About Us:
Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency (AVSTA) currently serves three-member districts including Antelope Valley Union High School District, Lancaster School District, and Westside Union School District. AVSTA provides transportation for regular education, special needs education, and Field Trips.
AVSTA has an employee base of 200 working as Office Staff, Shop Personnel, Trainers, Bus drivers, and Bus Aides. We transport over 6,000 students per day on 88 special needs routes and 41 regular education routes on our fleet of 200 buses which travel over 3 million miles per year.
Core Values and Beliefs:
We believe that...
Quality service for students and schools should be the Agency’s top priority.
The efficient operation of the Agency requires the support of every department and every employee.
Respect breeds respect.
Appreciation and fair treatment result in effective and superior employee performance.
Positive leadership promotes continuous employee growth.
Employees should share in the economic growth of the Agency.
All employees should exhibit a strong, positive work ethic every day.
Organizational success is achieved through problem identification and group resolution.

Board Meetings are to be held on the second Wednesday of every month. These Board meetings shall take place at Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency in the Board Room at 9:00 AM.
Should you have any questions in regards to the Board of Directors and/or Board Meetings, feel free to contact the Administrative Assistant at adminassistant@avsta.com or (661) 945-3621.