Dear Parents and Guardians,
Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency has implemented a new program for monitoring student loading and unloading. This new program is called SMART tag. It is the goal of the Agency to have all students utilizing the system at each school site for which we provide transportation service.
Below are tabs for General Education High School, General Education Elementary/Middle School and Special Needs High School, and Special Needs Elementary/Middle School. Included are current bus rules and the form to be filled out for general transportation students requesting bus service. Special needs students require an IEP meeting to qualify for transportation.
All High School General Education Students MUST RENEW SMART tag BUS PASSES EACH SCHOOL YEAR TO RIDE THE SCHOOL BUS. Renew by clicking on the Smart tag Order Form below.
The SMART tag system is software that allows our transportation administration team to oversee all school bus activity. This will ensure that all transported students are loaded onto the correct bus as well as unloaded at the appropriate stops.
For Parents, Smart tag has developed a new Smart tag Parent App, the new Smart tag Parent App has replaced the Parent Portal for the 2024 - 2025 school year. The new App will provide access for parents to sign up for SMART tag alerts and receive emails or text notifications when their child’s bus is approximately 10-15 minutes away from their stop. Parents can go through the registration process after installing the Smart-Tag Parent App on the SMART tag Information tab from either the Apple App Store or the Android Play Store. There are two important questions you must answer when registering your student. You must select AVSTA when entering your student's school district, and when entering the Student ID Number, you must enter your student's 10-digit Student State ID. If you need assistance getting the Student State ID, call your student's school administrator. Parents, please note that Transportation Release Information is now being processed through the SMART tag Parent App. Assign guardian(s) for your student during registration, you may also add additional guardians or make changes at any time.
If you are having trouble registering on the Smart tag Parent App, please review the instructional video, it will show you step-by-step how to register. If you continue to have trouble, you may reach out to Smart tag support or their support email. You can reach support at the following email and phone number.
Smart tag Support Phone: (855) 604-6344 option 1
Smart tag email address:
Bus Rider PORTAL

Antelope Valley Union High School District:
Antelope Valley High School, Eastside High School, Highland High School, Knight High School, Lancaster High School, Littlerock High School, Palmdale High School, Phoenix North, Quartz Hill High School, Soar High School, and Desert Pathways, and Pathways to Success.
Westside Union School District:
Anaverde Hills School, Joe Walker, Cottonwood, Leona Valley, Del Sur, Quartz Hill, Esperanza, Rancho Vista, Gregg Anderson, Sundown School, Hillview, Valley View, Westside Academy.
Amargosa, The Leadership Academy, Desert View, Discovery, El Dorado, Endeavour, Fulton & Alsbury, Jack Northrop, Joshua, LAVA, Lincoln, Linda Verde, Linda Verde Center, Mariposa, Miller, Monte Vista, Nancy Cory, New Vista, Piute, Sierra, Sunnydale, West Wind.
School Districts & School Calendars
Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency (AVSTA), serves three-member districts.